
Streak, Zapier and Automating Tasks for Our Vacation Rental

We struggled for a long time to find a system for managing our vacation rental that did not involve pain and suffering. By combining Streak, Zapier and Google Apps, we finally found something that works for us much better than Quickbooks or other systems. It’s not for everyone, but it might be for you.

Rethinking URLs and Trailing Slashes

A discussion about trailing slashes on URLs for “listing” pages got me thinking about what a URL is and should be. Yeah, this post is a bit obsessive.

Bailing Your Boat: Clearing Problem Floats

Floats can be incredibly frustrating when they don’t work as you expect and they often don’t. The normal way allows for you to create drop caps, meaning the floated element sticks out beyond the borders of the containing box. Usually, though, you don’t want that when building web layouts and there are better ways to fix it than by adding an element with clear:both; Here’s one good method and a comprehensive list of links on the subject.