
Liquid Programming Annoyances (and Workarounds)

A few little gotchas in Liquid (Shopify’s theming language) and some ways to work around them – conditionals with “contains,” type casting, variable scope in loops.

Multi-Dimensional and Associative Arrays in Shopify Liquid

You think if you can just find the right spot in the documentation, you can figure out multi-dimensional arrays in Liquid. Actually, you can’t. There is no way to create them. But this clever(?) but cumbersome workaround will get the job done.

Syntax Highlighting for Liquid

A simple “brush” for Syntax Highlighter Evolved which will not only add syntax highlighting for Liquid, it will also let you simply and easily add a Liquid code block in Gutenberg in Wordpress. Handy if you are going to blog about Liquid or Shopify.